Reverse Osmosis Farmington

Reverse Osmosis in Farmington, New Mexico

Frequently Asked Questions


         Good Water Company a Pure Water Solutions, Inc. company is a Colorado & New Mexico based firm serving pharmaceutical, medical, commercial, industrial, and government customers across the United States and abroad. We serve residential customers along the Front Range, Western Slope, and East Mountains. From our new GMP Certified 20,000 square foot facility in Castle Rock, we specialize in the design, sale, and service of water purification systems and components. 

        Founded in 1993, Pure Water Solutions has a talented team of professionals with over 100 combined years experience in water treatment. 

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Drinking Water a Top Priority?

Two-thirds of Planet Earth is made of water. The majority of your body is made of water. Good, clean water is essential for a healthy home or office. 

Unfortunately, New Mexico tap water might not be of the highest quality. There might be bacteria, silt and foreign particulate matter in untreated tap water. Discover why the Good Water Company provides the best Reverse Osmosis solutions in Farmington, New Mexico.

Pure, Clean Water 

Most people don’t want to admit it, but tap water may include chemicals, bacteria and foreign particulate matter. Certain water contaminants and water-bourne illnesses are hazardous to your health. Pure, clean water is healthier. 

A cool glass of pure water is refreshing, keeping your family members hydrated. Some families drink a lot of bottled soda pop, which might have high concentrations of corn syrup. Too much of this corn syrup could lead to diabetes and obesity. Replacing your soda pop with a glass of water can improve your health. 

Fresh water is especially important for those who are playing sports. Your children will naturally grab a cup and fill it with tap water. With our water purification treatment, they can enjoy pure, clean water. 

Clean Water, Clean Body

You might purchase bottles of water because you understand that tap water quality is sub-standard. Unfortunately, bottled water can eventually taste like the plastic bottle’s coating. The health aspect behind plastic bottles for our sake is the contaminant, BPA or Bisphenol A. 

With a water purification system using Reverse Osmosis in Farmington, your family has great tasting water every single time. Not to mention the elimination of plastic bottles and their negative effects. Wouldn't you like to have pure, clean water for your family? 

What is Reverse Osmosis?

What are the benefits of Reverse Osmosis in Farmington? This is the standard process for water purification. Reverse Osmosis has been used for centuries and is considered to be safe by scientists. 

We use a water purification method that has its origins in 1748 – Osmosis. Osmosis is the movement of water from a high-pressure environment to a low-pressure environment. Reverse Osmosis is based on this well-established water purification system – How is Reverse Osmosis different? 

Reverse Osmosis allows us to remove hazardous bacteria, contaminants, silt and foreign particulate matter. We pass water through a semi-permeable membrane during Reverse Osmosis; this removes the impurities. 

All that is left is pure, clean water. After we install a water purification system working on the principle of Reverse Osmosis, you no longer need to buy bottled water. Save money and have cleaner water. 

Get in Contact With Us!

If you're experiencing continuous drinking water issues, please don't hesitate to contact us. Call Good Water Company today to learn more about our services in New Mexico. Our team members are drinking water specialists who have your best interests in mind. Schedule an appointment with us today.

Reverse Osmosis in Farmington, New Mexico 

Call Us (505) 471-9036

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