Customized Water Purification Solutions

Good Water Company can provide you with a customized water purification solution on the basis of your water chemistry, treatment objectives, budget and physical space available for the installation of equipment. Complex well water may require a multi-component array. 

Solutions we commonly provide our clients for various types of contamination, listed according to EPA guidelines for public water supplies, include the following: 

A person is pouring water into a glass from a faucet.
Three blue waves on a white background.


  • Chlorination 
  • Ozonation 
  • Ultraviolet (UV) Sterilization 
  • Well Shocking
Three blue waves on a white background.


  • Back-Washing Sediment Filter 
  • Nano Cartridge Filter
Three blue waves on a white background.


  • Anion Arsenic Remediation System 
  • Drinking Water RO 
  • Whole-House Arsenic Remediation System 
  • Whole-House RO

(if other contaminants require RO)

Three blue waves on a white background.


  • Drinking Water RO
Three blue waves on a white background.


  • Whole-House Water Anion Resin Filters
Three blue waves on a white background.


  • Anion Uranium Remediation System 
  • Drinking Water RO 
  • Whole-House Uranium Remediation System 
  • Whole-House RO (if other contaminants require RO)
Three blue waves on a white background.

Iron & Manganese

  • Iron Filter 
  • Oxidizing System 
  • Ozonation
Three blue waves on a white background.


  • Drinking Water RO 
  • Whole-House RO
Three blue waves on a white background.


  • Oxidizing System
Three blue waves on a white background.

Total Dissolved Solids

  • Back-Washing Sediment Filter 
  • Nano Cartridge Tank Filter
Three blue waves on a white background.


  • Anti-Scalant System 
  • Water Conditioners 
  • WaterCrest 
  • Whole-House RO
Three blue waves on a white background.


(Clay to Sand-Size)

  • Back-Washing Sediment Filter 
  • Dual-Gradient Filters 
  • Nano Cartridge Tank Filter 
  • Particle Filters 
  • Ultrafiltration

Our Solutions

Replacement Parts and Supplies for All Equipment

At Good Water Company, we offer installation & service on water equipment such as:

  • Water Softener Brine Tanks 
  • Chemical Injection Pumps and Solution Tanks 
  • Water Conditioners 
  • Filters – Best Selection in Region 
  • Filter Housings 
  • Fittings 
  • Flex Connectors 
  • Membrane Housings
  • Mineral Tanks 
  • Resin Tanks 
  • RO Membranes (for both under-counter and whole-house systems) 
  • RO Spigots 
  • RO Systems (two options for under-counter applications) 
  • RO Water Storage Tanks 
  • Potassium Chloride and Sodium Chloride Water Softener Pellets 
  • Specialty Filter Media in Bulk (arsenic, uranium, carbon, etc.)
  • Water Test Bottles 
  • Tubing 
  • UV Lamps (all common sizes) 
  • Valves 
  • NSF-Certified Water Treatment Chemicals (antiscalant, resin cleaners, etc.) 
  • Water Treatment Media (activated carbon, arsenic remediation, Filter-Ag, uranium remediation, etc.) 
  • Leak Detection and Automatic Water Shut-Off Systems

Schedule Your Water Test Today!

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