The Water Table Albuquerque

The Water Table Albuquerque 

Anyone who visits the ocean--or any significant body of water for that matter--might dig in the sand and soon find water. Actually, this can be done anywhere though you might have to dig much deeper. That highest point at which water saturates, i.e. fills in all the space between the rocks and sediment, the soil is called the water table. Above the water table is known as the "zone of aeration" since oxygen permeates the soil. The presence and depth of the water table have implications for both the environment and the quality of life enjoyed by residents of Albuquerque


A diagram showing the different zones of irrigated crops

An interesting fact about the water table is that the atmospheric pressure and water pressure equal each other at this boundary. The saturated level under the water table--better known as an aquifer--is occupied by groundwater. In drier climates like New Mexico, we can expect the water table to be deep below the surface. Although it makes extraction more difficult, depth also makes the groundwater less susceptible to contamination by above-ground environmental hazards. As the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) tells the public: "Generally, the greater the distance between a source of contamination and a ground water source, the more likely that natural processes will reduce the impacts of contamination." Water Table Albuquerque 
Rows of green plants growing in a field with mountains in the background
Remove Contaminants

Areas with heavy concentrations of agricultural production, industrial presence and residential occupancy yield all kinds of contaminants. Some can plumb the depths of the zone of aeration and penetrate the aquifer. Whether serviced by public sewers or private wells these are facts about the water table Albuquerque denizens should be aware of. Clean water supports good health, hygiene and longevity. With all of the regulations on sewer and septic systems, none can completely ward off unhealthy impurities. As a result, threats to the water table Albuquerque home owners face must be met by additional means.
Our Solution
Fortunately, the Good Water Company provides efficient and affordable water treatment equipment to the residents and businesses of Northern New Mexico. Among our offerings is whole house filtration. Absent filtration, individuals and families are subject to sediment, iron and hardness minerals -- some of these are annoying; others, poisonous. Even with a solid knowledge of the water table Albuquerque property owners will find such adulterants in their drinking water and plumbing without proper filtering. Our whole house water filters are tailored for each house they serve, connecting directly to the main water line.
A close up of a shower head with hard water and clogged pipes.
Calcium and magnesium are common minerals that arrive below the water table. A cloudy film on dishes just washed and dried is a tell-tale sign. Worse than unattractive tableware is the damage this hard water can do to pipes and water lines. Good Water again can help with high-flow water softener systems. Consisting of multiple tanks, they only function when needed, requiring no electrical power of setting adjustments. 
These are but two ways the Good Water Company protects Albuquerque residents from compromised water tables. Serving New Mexico for 26 years and counting, we provide clean water regardless of the surroundings.Water Table Albuquerque 

Water Table Albuquerque

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